
doTERRA México February 2019 Product Promotions and Specials
一、 Save 10% In February (Save 10% OFF)-2019年2月九折主打星- 10 % Discount Product in February 2019:dōTERRA Petitgrain Citrus aurantium苦橙葉精油15ml。(產地:南美洲內陸的Paraguay巴拉圭,又稱為男人的薰衣草、窮人的橙花、平民版的橙花)。
二、LRP 125PV Free Product of The Month每月一物):2/15前doTERRA México多特墨西哥會員完成「Loyalty Rewards Program忠誠顧客獎勵計畫」單筆訂單達125PV (含以上) 並成功出貨,即可獲贈每月一物:dōTERRAEasy Air Stick(dōTERRA Breathe® Vapor Stick )順暢清新複方香膏12.5g。
Receive the Free product of the month by placing an LRP order of 125 PV or more between 1-15 February 2019.
三、Save 20% on Enrollment Kit before 15 February 2019.
2019.02.01~02.15入會套裝八折優惠(Free membership fee免入會費)
During this month of February save 20% when you enroll, on the following enrollment kits.
四、NEW YEAR New you~Enrollment promotin(Promotional Period:1st February -28th February,2019): Get Free doTERRA 100 point
2019/2/28前新人加入doTERRA México多特瑞墨西哥Wellness Advocate產品顧問/健康倡導者或Wholesale customer優惠客戶愛用會員,100 PV以上入會訂單,第二個月(2019年3月)訂購LRP 100PV以上訂單即在第三個月(2019年4月)返點贈送100PV可自選兌換產品~
※doTERRA Mexico多特瑞墨西哥、Guatemala瓜地馬拉、Costa Rica哥斯大黎加同步活動!
All new enroless get free doTERRA 100 points when enroll with a 100pv Enrolment order and place a 100pv LRP order in the second month.
Become a doTERRA Member(100PV Order)
Join the Loyalty Program and earn points toward free product(100PV Loyalty Order)
Receive 100 Points to redeem for your doTERRA wisht list.
五、Especeal promotion:(Promotional Period:1 February – 28 February ,2019) Intro to Essential Oil Kit基本精油套裝(5ml)特價促銷,售完為止。
2019.02.08澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓彙整
If you want to know more or add to my doterra global international team, please content with me!
If you are not a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate or Whosale customer, and want to join,please contact (Join as a new Wellness Advocate)
how to become doterra member如何成為doTERRA多特瑞會員或經銷商(doTERRA distributor)
#加入doTERRA多特瑞會員(全球國際)Enroller ID介紹人號碼請填1113775‬‬‬‬( enroller ID:11113775)‬‬‬‬‬‬
#大陸中国入會申請成為顧客,如何了解到dōTERRA(How to know dōTERRA),朋友的PC顾客编号請填00173262‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬(PC customer number please keyin 00173262)‬‬
0923-242474‬ Line id:1125cat / @epg9830g‬‬‬‬‬
WeChat微信886923242473,WeChat ID:cat1113775‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
QQ:2837947539 ,Skype:whenisay
FB粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/doterra1113775/
痞克邦部落格 http://moremoney.pixnet.net/blog‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬




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