

doTERRA Hong Kong June 2019 Product Promotions and Specials

一、 Save 10% In June (Save 10% OFF)-2019年6月九折主打星- 10 % Discount Product in June 2019:dōTERRA Spa Hand & Body Lotion手部身體潤膚乳液(Spa and Body Lotion舒活護手潤膚乳/無香乳液)200ml。

二、LRP 125PV Free Product of The Month每月一物):6/15前doTERRA Hong Kong多特瑞香港會員完成「Loyalty Rewards Program忠誠顧客獎勵計畫」單筆訂單達125PV (含以上) 並成功出貨,即可獲贈每月一物:dōTERRA On Guard Sanitizing Mist保衛複方淨化噴霧27ml

Receive the Free product of the month by placing an LRP order of 125 PV or more between 1-15 June 2019.

三、doTERRA 200 PV Promotion (Get 3 Oils Free!Refreshing Relief)

2019年6月30日前購物200PV超值優惠滿點送!凡單張訂單滿200PV點數(含以上),即可免費獲得AromaTouch 芳香調理複方精油15 mL、 Balance 安定平衡複方精油15 mL和 Past Tense舒壓複方精油滾瓶珠10ml。(每帳號限4組)

新加入doTERRA Hong Kong多特瑞香港會員(Wellness Advocate 獨立產品顧問會員 or Wholesale Customer愛用會員)的朋友也適用喔!購買免入會費的大套組還有機會LRP快速跳%回饋點數及贈送點數可兌換產品)

※doTERRA多特瑞Hong Kong香港、Singapore新加坡、Malaysia馬來西亞、USA美國、Canada加拿大、Europe歐洲、Guatemala瓜地馬拉、Costa Rica哥斯大黎加、Ecuador厄瓜多市場同步活動!

Earn a FREE AromaTouch 1 5ml, Balance15ml, and Past Tense10ml by placing any 200pv+ order from June 1-30, 2019. (*Limited to 4 per account)

四、Father's Day Special Promotion- ( 1 – 15 June 2019 )父親節精油套裝組合促銷優惠中

套裝中包含:doTERRA Spa Serenity Bath Bar舒眠恬靜沐浴香皂(SPA級神氣複方沐浴皂113g、doTERRA Serenity Softgels舒眠恬靜複合膠囊(Restful complex Softgels)、Zendocrine Softgels元氣複方軟膠囊、Lavender真正薰衣草精油15ml、Juniper Berry杜松漿果精油5ml。


五、New Products(New Releases) 2019.06新品上市

1. Turmeric Curcuma longa (brazil)薑黃精油15ml (產地:India印度、Nepal尼泊爾)

2. Yoga Collection Kit芳香調理律動套裝(瑜珈系列套裝)

3.Healthy Habits Kit健康習慣套裝

2019.06.07澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓更新彙整


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If you are not a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate or Whosale customer, and want to join,please contact (Join as a new Wellness Advocate)

how to become doterra member如何成為doTERRA多特瑞會員或經銷商(doTERRA distributor)

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2018年多特瑞澳洲&紐西蘭父親節限量版精油Amavi Touch Fortifying Blend 10ml roll-on

doTERRA Taiwan台灣市場2018/8/16精油肌膚保養新品&LRP套組同步上市