
目前顯示的是 4月, 2020的文章


多特瑞歐洲市場2020年4月促銷訊息 doTERRA Europe April 2020 Promotions 1. April Enrolment Promotion 新入會優惠訊息 1-1 Sign up as a new doTERRA Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer and place a 100 PV enrolment order between 1–15 April 2020. 1-2 Enrolee will receive 50 product points(the points will be added to members' accounts on 20 May 2020.) 2020/4/1~4/15新加入多特瑞歐洲市場會員(Wholesale Customer優惠顧客& Wellness Advocate健康倡導者)購物滿100pv購送50PV(點數可兌換產品-點數於5/20後入帳)。 2..Save 10% in April:Ginger 主打星(九折商品):來自Madagascar馬達加斯加和Kenya肯亞小農的生薑油 3.April Product of the Month每月一物 Wellness Advocates and Wholesale Customers receive the free Product of the Month by placing a 125PV+ LRP order between 1-15 April, 2020 M. 4/15前單筆LRP訂單滿125PV即贈送EUCALYPTUS essential oi澳洲尤加利精油15ml 3. Mother‘s Day Special Offers母親節限量發售商品 3-1 Precious Florals Collection珍愛花香系列套裝-一套共有五瓶4毫升滾珠瓶精油 Rose Touch呵護系列-玫瑰滾珠精油 — “花中之后” 和富有浪漫的精髓 Ne


多特瑞台灣市場2020年4月促銷訊息-新人入會獨享尊榮~入會套裝特輯~ doTERRA Taiwan April 2020 Promotions-Enrollment Kit 2020/4/15前新入會125PV卡油薑薑好!200PV再享居家防護管理好禮油雙享! 買入會套裝送免費會員資格一年,還有更多好禮油相送,錯過太可惜! 新人入會獨享尊榮優惠~入會套裝特輯~幫你精闢分析怎麼買最划算! 新朋友入會~哈囉就是有禮油!加入小貓芳療師的Line群加碼再送! (欲知詳情可洽詢) 線上加入台灣市場多特瑞愛用會員傳送門 https://pse.is/R7Z42 小貓芳療師的新朋友入會SAY 哈囉就有禮Line群傳送門 http://line.me/ti/g/AcqqDg1SV2 2020.04.08 澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓 以上想了解更清楚、異業如何與精油結合、有意加入小貓芳療師的多特瑞全球國際團隊會員或需要代購多特瑞產品都可進一步洽詢小貓芳療師!(加入團隊不代表就是經營者,消費者、愛用者也可加入!介紹人請填1113775,入會成為團隊會員後想深入學習精油及營養保健品知識及如何應用在日常生活歡迎加入團隊群組一起學習或獲得最新即時訊息請主動聯絡我的LINE或WECHAT微信帳號) If you want to know more or add to my doterra global international team, please content with me! If you are not a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate or Whosale customer, and want to join,please contact (Join as a new Wellness Advocate) how to become doterra member如何成為doTERRA多特瑞會員或經銷商(doTERRA distributor) #加入doTERRA多特瑞會員 (全球國際)Enroller ID(Sponson id)介紹人號碼請填11137


多特瑞台灣市場2020年4月促銷訊息-國王皇后香遇了!   doTERRA Taiwan April 2020 Promotions- Limited Time Offers(Tawian Be Strong Kit) Limited Time Offers 4/1起網路限量發售,售完即止! 當精油之王遇上花中之后~Be Strong Kit台灣加油套裝! 保持社交距離~讓香氛替代,暖心療癒、獻上愛的擁抱! 限量總是殘酷的~不容錯過!檜樂好禮油~玫飛色舞快來搶一波! 新朋友入會~哈囉就是有禮油!加入小貓芳療師的Line群加碼再送! (欲知詳情可洽詢) 線上加入台灣市場多特瑞愛用會員傳送門 https://pse.is/R7Z42 小貓芳療師的新朋友入會SAY 哈囉就有禮Line群傳送門 http://line.me/ti/g/AcqqDg1SV2 2020.04.06 澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓 以上想了解更清楚、異業如何與精油結合、有意加入小貓芳療師的多特瑞全球國際團隊會員或需要代購多特瑞產品都可進一步洽詢小貓芳療師!(加入團隊不代表就是經營者,消費者、愛用者也可加入!介紹人請填1113775,入會成為團隊會員後想深入學習精油及營養保健品知識及如何應用在日常生活歡迎加入團隊群組一起學習或獲得最新即時訊息請主動聯絡我的LINE或WECHAT微信帳號) If you want to know more or add to my doterra global international team, please content with me! If you are not a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate or Whosale customer, and want to join,please contact (Join as a new Wellness Advocate) how to become doterra member如何成為doTERRA多特瑞會員或經銷商(doTERRA distributor) #加入doTERRA多特瑞會員 (全球國際)Enroller


多特瑞澳洲&紐西蘭2020年4月促銷訊息 doTERRA Australia&New Zealand April 2020 Promotions 1. April Enrolment Promotion 新入會優惠訊息 During 1 - 30 April, place an enrolment order of 100PV or more and you will receive a FREE Citrus Bliss™ Invigorating Blend 15mL. 4/1~4/30新加入多特瑞澳洲&紐西蘭會員(Wholesale Customer優惠顧客& Wellness Advocate健康倡導者)滿100pv購送柑橘清新複方精油15ml一瓶 when you process 4 qualifying enrolments (100+ PV enrolments) you will receive a FREE Limited Time Only oil - Cananga essential oil 15Ml 介紹至少4人入會100pv送Cananga卡南迦精油15ml 2..Save 10% in April:doTERRA Salon Essentials® Shampoo and Conditioner 主打星(九折商品):亮彩護色精華洗髮乳和柔順調理護髮素 3.April Product of the Month每月一物 Wellness Advocates and Wholesale Customers receive the free Product of the Month by placing a 125PV+ LRP order through the Australia or New Zealand warehouse between 1-15 April, 2020 Mountain Time. 4/15前單筆LRP訂單滿125PV即贈送Niaouli essential oil 15mL綠花白千層精油 *doTERRA México 多特瑞墨西哥市場同步進行此活動! 4. Mother‘s Day Special Offers母親節限量發售商品 Offers can be purchased f