

doTERRA Europe April 2020 Promotions

1. April Enrolment Promotion 新入會優惠訊息

1-1 Sign up as a new doTERRA Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer and place a 100 PV enrolment order between 1–15 April 2020.

1-2 Enrolee will receive 50 product points(the points will be added to members' accounts on 20 May 2020.)

2020/4/1~4/15新加入多特瑞歐洲市場會員(Wholesale Customer優惠顧客& Wellness Advocate健康倡導者)購物滿100pv購送50PV(點數可兌換產品-點數於5/20後入帳)。

2..Save 10% in April:Ginger


3.April Product of the Month每月一物

Wellness Advocates and Wholesale Customers receive the free Product of the Month by placing a 125PV+ LRP order between 1-15 April, 2020 M.

4/15前單筆LRP訂單滿125PV即贈送EUCALYPTUS essential oi澳洲尤加利精油15ml

3. Mother‘s Day Special Offers母親節限量發售商品

3-1 Precious Florals Collection珍愛花香系列套裝-一套共有五瓶4毫升滾珠瓶精油

Rose Touch呵護系列-玫瑰滾珠精油 — “花中之后” 和富有浪漫的精髓

Neroli Touch呵護系列-橙花滾珠精油 — 具有迷人和令人陶醉的橙花香氣

Jasmine Touch呵護系列-茉莉滾珠精油 — “花中之王” 具有舒緩卻又歡欣的香氣

Magnolia Touch呵護系列-木蘭花滾珠精油 — 代表女性魅力和溫柔

Blue Lotus呵護系列-藍睡蓮滾珠精油 — 珍貴的異國情調,代表長壽,健康,榮譽和好運

*doTERRA多特瑞USA美國、Canada加拿大 、Singapore新加坡、Malaysia馬來西亞、México 墨西哥、Europe歐洲、Australia澳洲和New Zealand紐西蘭市場同步販售!

3-2 Herbal Tea Collection 奢華的味蕾饗宴~精油草本茶葉兩罐裝

3-3 Citrus Bloom™ 柑橘綻放精油15ML

3-4 Citrus Bloom™ & Brevi Diffuser Set 花崗岩大理石紋芳香噴霧器與柑橘綻放精油15ML套組

加入多特瑞歐洲市場會員 線上入會傳送門https://pse.is/RLVGH

Sponsor ID(Enroller ID)介紹人號碼:1113775

2020.04.10 澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓


If you want to know more or add to my doterra global international team, please content with me!

If you are not a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate or Whosale customer, and want to join,please contact (Join as a new Wellness Advocate)

how to become doterra member如何成為doTERRA多特瑞會員或經銷商(doTERRA distributor)

#加入doTERRA多特瑞會員(全球國際)Enroller ID(Sponson id)介紹人號碼請填1113775

#大陸中国入會申請成為顧客,如何了解到dōTERRA(How to know dōTERRA),朋友的PC顾客编号請填00173262

0923-242474 Line id:1125cat / @epg9830g

WeChat微信886923242473,WeChat ID:cat1113775

Jello ID:do1113775

QQ:2837947539 ,Skype:whenisay







2018年多特瑞澳洲&紐西蘭父親節限量版精油Amavi Touch Fortifying Blend 10ml roll-on

doTERRA Taiwan台灣市場2018/8/16精油肌膚保養新品&LRP套組同步上市